The Upsides and Downsides to Male Hormone Replacement, an Increasingly Popular Treatment

Health & Medical Blog

For years, females have been using hormone replacement therapy to help ease the transition into menopause. Recently, men have begun taking a similar approach—supplementing testosterone as they age to counteract some of the effects of the lower testosterone levels that come with aging. Is this approach, which is known as male hormone replacement, a good choice for you? Consider the upsides and downsides, and then chat with your doctor for more insight.

18 November 2020

Going through Menopause and No Longer Enjoy Sex? 2 Possible Causes and What to Do

Health & Medical Blog

If you are going through menopause, your body is going through many changes. One of these changes is your sexual health. Menopause can cause you to no longer enjoy sex and cause your libido to drop drastically. Fortunately, you and your partner can have a better sex life if you understand the potential causes and some of your options.  Vaginal Looseness When you were younger, your vaginal walls were tighter which can help you enjoy sex.

20 October 2020

Why You Should Talk to Your Doctor about Cyberknife Radiation Treatment

Health & Medical Blog

If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, you might be really nervous and afraid about your future. Ideally, you are probably hoping that your healthcare team can assist you with the right medical treatments. You might have already talked to your doctor about a few treatment options, but if you haven't yet talked to your doctor about cyberknife radiation treatment, then you might be missing something. These are some of the reasons why you might want to talk to your doctor about cyberknife radiation treatment for prostate cancer.

17 September 2020

What Is Clinical Monitoring, And Why Is It Important?

Health & Medical Blog

If you are following the news about clinical trials for the various coronavirus vaccines being tested, then you may be wondering how these are carried out. One important part of the process of developing new vaccines, along with other medications, is the clinical monitoring of those acting as guinea-pigs. For Health And Safety Clinical monitoring is the process in which those testing the medications being developed (or, acting as placebo-testers) are monitored as to their health and physical developments as the trial continues.

17 August 2020

USCG Standard Requirements For Lifeboat First Aid Kits

Health & Medical Blog

To have a first aid kit that is approved by the coast guard, it will need to meet the USCG Standard 160.041. This standard has several requirements. Individual Cartons The first aid kit must consist of individual cartons. Each of the cartons need to be labeled to determine what is in the carton, the size of the contents of the carton, how the contents should be used, and any State or Federal requirements.

31 October 2019

Think You Can Be A Funeral Home Director? Job Responsibilities


Some people think that their dark and moody selves are ideal for the job of a funeral home director. Others think that having a morbid sense of humor is enough. Unfortunately, both of those personality traits would not garner you a job as a funeral home director. The following highlights the job responsibilities and personality traits needed to complete those responsibilities. If you more closely match the following, then maybe you could be suitable for this job.

2 August 2019

Six Mistakes To Avoid To Make Your Child's Immunizations More Comfortable

Health & Medical Blog

Although children might not enjoy undergoing vaccination, it's important to realize as a parent that child vaccinations are essential for ensuring the continued health of your child. Fortunately, you can make vaccinations more comfortable for your child by avoiding mistakes that can make vaccines scary or uncomfortable for kids. The following are six mistakes to avoid to make your child's immunizations more comfortable: Being uninformed yourself going into things If you are thoroughly informed and you can answer all your child's questions in detail, your child will have more confidence going into things.

2 August 2019